Saturday, December 27, 2008

Luke's First Christmas

We had a great Christmas with our family and Luke, who is now 6 weeks old. We spent Christmas Eve out with my parents and my sister Joy and her family and then Christmas day with the Michaelsons, both of which we really enjoyed. Luke continues to do well and is growing so quickly. He seems to have moved so quickly through the process from premie to newborn and now finally 0-3month sizes. The weeks have conintued to fly by as I have taken awhile to update this again. We are looking forward to spending more time with family and friends over the next week. As I write this it has begun to snow again. I went shopping yesterday and Coe watched Luke and it was great to get out for a bit with Coe's mom and sister.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

3 Weeks Old

Well the time has flown by so far. Luke is getting on a good schedule and things continue to go smoothly. He had his first bath on Thanksgiving and did pretty well until I pored water over his head, then he belted a cry. I loved his hair after his bath as I put a hat on him and forgot to comb it. The picture is the end result. I am enjoying being home with him as we both continue to get adjusted. Ruby and I have been taking walks almost daily as the weather permits. She continues to do well with Luke. My sister Joy was here over Thanksgiving and we got some pictures of the new cousins together as Brock is just 11 days older then Luke. It will be fun seeing them grow over the years. Today Luke has a check up and it will be interesting to see how much he weighs. He has finally grown out of his preemie clothes and into the new born ones.

Monday, November 17, 2008

More Pictures

Week one has passed and we feel like we are all adapting well. Luke had to have the "bililamp" on him for his jaundice, but he is close to being done with that glowing contraption (see picture with Steph), which we are looking forward to. He seems to be on a solid schedule in terms of eating and sleeping which has helped Mom and Dad get more sleep than we anticipated we might. Both of us are convinced that Ruby believes Luke is hers. She is so attentive to every sound and constantly watches out for what he's doing. She always checks on him upon coming in the house and sometimes sleeps next to him. She actually jumped into his bassinet to "protect" him from Grandma Kathy before getting the OK from both of us for her presence around Luke. The affection is great, but since then we've made sure that she stays out of the bassinet! We have both enjoyed Luke so much. Everyone says that they are much more fun once they can move around and talk with you, but we have both enjoyed the little things as he squeaks and pushes and moves his arms and legs. It is very cool just to sit and hold him, watching everything he does. We are looking forward to talking with him in the future, but are also quite content with where we're at right now.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Meet Baby Luke

Luke Coe Michaelson was born at 2:19 AM on Tuesday, November 11, 2008. At 4:50 on Monday evening, Luke decided it was time to join us as Steph's water broke just before leaving work for the day. We had heard a lot of talk about first labors lasting for a long time, so we were very thankful that everything went smoothly during our 9 hour labor. Steph is doing very well and even though Luke arrived 3.5 weeks early, he is doing great and is now about to spend his first night at home. Luke was 19.5 inches long and weighed 6 lbs even. Tonight he got to meet his big sister, Ruby. While she is a little perplexed about this little creature that we brought home, she did very well with Luke tonight. You'll see she was using him as a pillow for part of the evening. Enjoy this first set of pictures, more to come later.